Teach With INFOhio

Engaging Content from DriveOhio in Open Space

Monday, 18 December 2023

Instructional Materials from DriveOhio, an initiative of the Ohio Department of Transportation, have been added to Open Space. The content added features seven hands-on lesson plans, eLearning modules, a student ambassador program, and a K-12 Educator Toolkit focused on drones, electric vehicles, and advanced mobility topics. 

Engaging Content from DriveOhio in Open Space

Six Resources to Try If You Like Bill Nye the Science Guy

Written by // Mary Rowland Tuesday, 05 December 2023

As schools expand their 1:1 programs, the need for high-quality, engaging digital content has never been more important. INFOhio is committed to providing Ohio's educators and students with access to high-quality videos, eBooks, and interactives to make lessons come alive. If you liked Bill Nye the Science Guy, try these six resources available through INFOhio to supplement your classroom with videos, eBooks, and interactives. 

Personalize Your Professional Reading with INFOhio eBooks

Written by // Emily Rozmus Monday, 04 December 2023

Did you know INFOhio has professional learning eBooks available at no cost? Check out our collection of titles to support literacy, tech integration, STEM, and other instructional practices. Then, learn how to personalize your reading experience to make the most of your learning.

Full STEAM Ahead!

Written by // INFOhio Staff Thursday, 30 November 2023

STEAM, or science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, is more than an educational buzzword or standalone class. For many, it's a practice of using technology, introducing authentic real-world problems, incorporating themes and knowledge from across content areas, and focusing on project-based tasks to engage learners in the classroom.

Full STEAM Ahead!

Simple Strategies to Supplement Family Literacy with Quality Text from INFOhio

Written by // Emily Rozmus Monday, 27 November 2023

Instructional materials matter. While securing a coherent curriculum and professional development for teachers is fundamental to student success, identifying high-quality supplemental materials at grade level for all learners can be helpful in increasing student engagement, meeting diverse needs, and filling instructional gaps. In this Teach with INFOhio Blog post, learn how to use licensed digital content from INFOhio to engage, empower, elevate, and extend family literacy during the holidays.


Simple Strategies to Supplement Family Literacy with Quality Text from INFOhio

Sharing Premium Content from INFOhio: What Link Do I Use?

Written by // INFOhio Staff Friday, 24 November 2023

INFOhio provides quality instructional materials that can be easily shared with students, staff, and parents. Use this alphabetical list of INFOhio resources to see how to directly link to the licensed content.

Sharing Premium Content from INFOhio: What Link Do I Use?

Curating Content for Student-Centered Learning: Resources to Personalize Learning

Written by // Mary Rowland Wednesday, 22 November 2023

As a digital library, INFOhio practices curation daily. Curating resources can be a useful practice to support a personalized learning environment. This blog will explore how educators can use curation to facilitate authentic learning experiences, overcome obstacles, and accelerate learning. 

Curating Content for Student-Centered Learning: Tools to Curate Resources

Written by // Janah Shumaker Monday, 30 October 2023

INFOhio encourages Ohio educators to curate INFOhio’s instructional materials. Explore four curation tools you probably already have access to and learn about a few deciding factors to consider when choosing a curation tool that best meets the needs of students and staff.

Changes to ISearch: My Library Tab

Written by // INFOhio Staff Monday, 23 October 2023

Digital Video Collection videos are no longer accessible in the ISearch My Library tab. 

Bill Nye the Science Guy Video License Expires End of October

Written by // Sarah Mowery Monday, 23 October 2023

The license for the Bill Nye the Science Guy videos will expire at the end of October 2023.  

Bill Nye the Science Guy Video License Expires End of October

Research 4 Success Now Available in Open Space

Written by // Mary Rowland Monday, 16 October 2023

INFOhio's Research 4 Success (R4S) is an online learning course presented in six units to teach high school research skills. To increase the flexibility of the learning units in the classroom, INFOhio added R4S to Open Space. 

Research 4 Success Now Available in Open Space

Curating Content for Student-Centered Learning: The Human Touch

Written by // Emily Rozmus Wednesday, 04 October 2023

INFOhio encourages Ohio educators to curate INFOhio’s instructional materials. Curation is the human touch–the personal and informed evaluation, selection, and collection of the best resources to meet students needs.

Instructional Materials for the Holocaust and Genocide

Written by // Sarah Mowery Friday, 08 September 2023

A collection of eBooks and videos have been purchased from Infobase and Gale on the topics of the Holocaust and genocide. Instructional materials will continue to be purchased throughout the 2023-2024 school year with funding from Future Forward Ohio. 


Expand Your Knowledge with Professional Learning eBooks

Written by // Sarah Mowery Friday, 08 September 2023

With funding from Future Forward Ohio, INFOhio has purchased two collections of professional learning eBooks from EBSCO and Gale. Some of the focused areas for this content include classroom management, computer technology, distance education, early childhood, mathematics, reading & phonics, and STEM. 

Expand Your Knowledge with Professional Learning eBooks

Instructional Materials Reviewer Workshop: Collaboration and Curation on High-Needs Topics

Written by // Sarah Mowery Thursday, 07 September 2023

This summer an in-person, multi-day event took place with a small cohort of Instructional Materials Reviewers. This 3-day workshop increased participants' skills and knowledge of evaluating and implementing open access content for teaching and learning. Each participant was responsible for curating a final product of instructional materials focused around one of the following high-needs topics: financial literacy, STEM, career exploration and development, and the Holocaust and genocide for grades 6-12. 

Instructional Materials Reviewer Workshop: Collaboration and Curation on High-Needs Topics
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