Author // Sarah Mowery Friday, 16 September 2022
1500 eBooks are now available from World Book. Access to this resource can be found in the Grades 6-8 button on the INFOhio homepage.
The unlimited use, full-text eBooks offer engaging titles for middle-grade students on a variety of content-area topics. EBooks are organized by topic tabs to make it easy for students to quickly find an eBook of interest. These topics include Animals, Biographies, Crafts, Social Studies, Technology, and more.
One example, Biomes and Climate Change, will appeal to readers looking for more information on the world we live in.
Features in each eBook provide a positive reading experience, including a Table of Contents for navigation, Single Page or Double Page View, and tools such as Highlight, Sticky Notes, and Pen. Educators can support students in creating a My World Book Account and any highlights and notes that are added to the eBook can be saved for later use.
Have questions or concerns? We are always happy to help. Let us know at
Sarah Mowery is a Professional Instructional Specialist with INFOhio. She has worked in education for 16 years as a school librarian and technology coach in elementary and middle school settings. While in these roles, she's been an integral part of the building leadership teams working as a curriculum connector and integrating web-based tools. She earned a BA in Sociology from Bowling Green State University and an MLS with a specialization in PK-12 schools from East Carolina University. Sarah was one of the original INFOhio ICoaches when the program first began in 2013 and has a passion for sharing how INFOhio resources can transform teaching and impact learning for students and educators across the state of Ohio.
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