Teach With INFOhio

Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio: Highlights Library

Written by // Emily Rozmus Friday, 20 August 2021

Getting your district or school ready for the school year begins by looking closely at the materials you use in your classrooms. Every Ohio student deserves the opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society. 

Studies have shown that using high-quality, coherent curriculums and instructional materials lead to student growth in learning and achievement. For more than 20 years, INFOhio has been providing Ohio schools and districts with quality supplemental resources available at no cost. INFOhio’s resources provide educators and students with premium, vetted content such as eBooks, videos, lesson plans, instructional web tools, and training and support materials which can be used for teaching and learning. Highlights Library from INFOhio offers Ohio parents, educators, and students access to the quality content from the Highlights publications in digital eBook and video format.


Family Engagement: INFOhio Provides Opportunities for All

Written by // Emily Rozmus Wednesday, 04 August 2021

There's no doubt about it: when parents are involved, students do better. According to the Family Engagement Collaborative of the Miami Valley, family engagement in schools leads to higher student achievement and graduation rates, fewer behavioral problems, better self-esteem, and stronger performance by students from diverse backgrounds. 

There will always be barriers to family engagement, but framing it as an "opportunity for all" can help schools move beyond the barriers. The Framework Institute advises that promoting family engagement as an equity issue and policy matter focuses the initiative on inclusivity and opportunities for achievement for all children and will help schools look at how current practices may exclude some students and families. Introduce the high-quality instructional materials available at no cost from INFOhio to families to help remove barriers and provide opportunities for all.

Creating and Sharing Open Educational Resources (OER)

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

So you’re comfortable in finding and integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) into your curriculum and want to take the next step? Are you ready to create new resources to share with others? This blog is for you!

Creating and Sharing Open Educational Resources (OER)

Finding and Integrating Open Educational Resources (OER)

Monday, 17 May 2021

Have you ever found something from the internet that could be a perfect resource (image, video, quiz, etc.) for your class, and you spent hours trying to figure out the copyright issues with that resource? You couldn’t find any Terms of Use, and there was no author information, so you didn’t know who to contact to get permission to use it? Wouldn’t it have been nice if that resource somehow said “I’m free to use, no strings attached, you don’t need to ask for my permission because it is already granted”? Open Educational Resources, or OER for short, are an answer to this problem.

Finding and Integrating Open Educational Resources (OER)

Educators' Guide to Self-Directed, High-Quality PD with INFOhio

Written by // Emily Rozmus Friday, 14 May 2021

INFOhio provides a variety of options for educators dedicated to discovering new, effective ways to teach. Whether using online classes, or building a reading list, INFOhio's professional development has something for everyone. Read more about how to use INFOhio's professional development for high-quality, self-directed learning.

Activities and Videos from Cleveland Museum of Natural History Added to Open Space

Written by // Sarah Mowery Friday, 30 April 2021

Social studies and science activities and videos have been added to Open Space and are provided by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. 

Activities and Videos from Cleveland Museum of Natural History Added to Open Space

Learn With INFOhio Webinar Recording Available: Using INFOhio’s Authentic Text to Support the Simple View of Reading

Written by // Sarah Mowery Thursday, 15 April 2021

Learn how to use the Simple View of Reading as a guide to extend and accelerate learning for your students with INFOhio authentic texts. Webinar recording available. 

Learn With INFOhio Webinar Recording Available: Using INFOhio’s Authentic Text to Support the Simple View of Reading

Grades 1-12 Writing Instructional Materials from Quill in Open Space

Written by // Sarah Mowery Wednesday, 17 March 2021

High-quality writing instructional materials have been added to Open Space. These interactive writing lessons and activities are appropriate for grades 1-12 and have been provided by Quill, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help all students become strong writers and critical thinkers. 

Grades 1-12 Writing Instructional Materials from Quill in Open Space

Monday Mini Lessons Model Remote Teaching Best Practices

Written by // Emily Rozmus Friday, 12 March 2021

Check out INFOhio's Monday Mini Lessons to support educators in integrating digital content into instruction and remote teaching. INFOhio will be featuring a series of videos that showcase best practices for remote teaching using INFOhio's high-quality digital content. Learn more about this series and how to stay informed. 

STEM Instructional Materials from Hamilton County ESC and the Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative Added to Open Space

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 23 February 2021

High-quality instructional materials have been added to Open Space. These STEM lessons and extension activities are appropriate for grades K-6 and have been provided by the Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative and Hamilton County ESC. 

STEM Instructional Materials from Hamilton County ESC and the Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative Added to Open Space

Learn More About BLUEcloud and Earn Contact Hours

Written by // Sarah Mowery Thursday, 04 February 2021

A professional development learning pathway has been developed to learn more about BLUEcloud, SirsiDynix's next-generation library services platform. Complete this pathway and earn up to 16.5 contact hours.

Learn More About BLUEcloud and Earn Contact Hours

Diverse eBooks for Early Readers

Written by // Emily Rozmus Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Classic childhood books capture the joy and freedom of play and imagination. The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats is one of those. This award-winning book tells the story of Peter and the adventures he has on a snowy day. Readers young and old can imagine the red snow-suited figure of a young boy playing in the wintry city. Many will also remember that Peter is an African-American child, and recognize that childhood delights are not determined by race, location, or gender. Everyone has fun in the snow.

INFOhio and OhioNet: Partnership Supporting Schools and Libraries

Written by // Sarah Mowery Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Did you know that INFOhio has purchased a Premium Membership on behalf of all Ohio PreK-12 schools to OhioNet? That membership has benefits!

Using World Book Webquests for Print and Digital Instruction

Written by // Erica Clay Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Whether you need printed packets for learning activities or plan to make the learning happen digitally, World Book webquests are a great way to help students build foundational knowledge on a topic.

Career Planning for Grades 9-12 with INFOhio

Written by // Mary Rowland Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Teachers face many challenges when incorporating meaningful career planning lessons into classroom learning, but the most daunting is time. However, with the right resources, and a creative approach, teachers can incorporate meaningful career planning activities that complement their classroom curriculum and empower students as they enter life after high school.

Career Planning for Grades 9-12 with INFOhio
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For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at https://support.infohio.org.