Advocate for INFOhio

Research Skills for Post-Secondary Success

English teacher Amanda Crabtree, from Lucasville, OH shares how #INFOhioWorks for her students at Valley High School.

“As a 17-year teaching veteran, I have watched INFOhio grow and continue to provide a safe, reliable, and credible site for students and teachers. In the ever-changing world of technology, it is difficult to help students learn how to do credible research. INFOhio provides the means to help our students learn how to research—a skill that will help them and is vital in post-secondary studies. Without this, students tend to blindly search the Internet, which we know is full of false, and sometimes dangerous information. My high school English students use INFOhio’s Points of View and the Academic Search Premier for the majority of their assignments.”  

“We have lost so many resources due to tight budgets, making us appreciate even more the INFOhio resources, which are free to our district.” 

Share how #INFOhioWorks to grow and develop research skills in your students!

Advocate for INFOhio

How has INFOhio impacted your classroom?

By sharing how you use INFOhio resources in your school libraries and classrooms, you are advocating for your students. Continue to ensure equitable access to high-quality digital resources that impact learning. Tell us how you use INFOhio's free digital resources in your school library or classroom.

Complete this brief survey, and your story could be featured in the next "INFOhio Impact," our  e-newsletter for legislators highlighting how INFOhio impacts student learning across the state.

  1. Tweet or use Facebook to post a picture of students using INFOhio resources for research, a project, or reading an eBook.
  2. Share which INFOhio resource you're using and what your students are learning.
  3. Add the #INFOhioWorks hashtag and the Facebook name or Twitter handle of your legislator and say thanks!

Thank you for supporting INFOhio's legislative advocacy efforts!

Find My Legislators

Share your INFOhio use story with your legislators on email, Twitter, or Facebook and add #INFOhioWorks. Click the "Find My Legislators" button. Enter your address. Click their names and look for links to their Social Media accounts. (Note: not all legislators share their Social Media information.)

Find My Legislators

INFOhio, Ohio’s PreK-12 digital library, provides free access to digital educational content to all Ohio PreK-12 schools—public, nonpublic, community, career tech, e-school, and home schools—serving 1.9 million students, their families, and their teachers. INFOhio is a contributing partner to Libraries Connect Ohio, which provides a core collection of information resources and library services that help all Ohioans compete in the global knowledge economy.

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ISearch - Advanced Library & Resource Search
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