INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award, 2014
Gail Greenberg, Collinwood High School.

Gail Greenberg

Gail Greenberg, Library Media Specialist at Collinwood High School, has been selected to receive the 2014 INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award by the INFOhio Governing Advisory Board. 

Selection criteria for the award was changed this year. To be considered, the recipient first had to be selected to participate in this year's Library Leadership Ohio Institute, a 3-day program held in July that cultivates the leaders who will guide Ohio libraries into the twenty-first century. Gail will be provided a scholarship stipend to attend the Library Leadership Ohio Institute.

"I am elated and truly honored," Gail said. "It's nice to be recognized for doing something I believe in."

A literacy advocate, Greenberg has served at-risk youth in PreK-12. Her research into the effect of collaboration between librarians and teachers on literacy in urban elementary schools led to Cleveland schools receiving a U.S. Department of Education Improving Literacy Through School Libraries grant. She has twice received the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries Grant on behalf of Cleveland schools. Her interest and concern for serving multicultural students resulted in her being selected as one of 15 people in the country to travel to Mexico and Peru for a five-week long Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar. In addition, she generously shares what she’s learned with colleagues through professional development workshops and seminars.

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