INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award, 2003
Jane Puleo, Garfield Heights High School.

Jane Puleo

Jane Puleo, Library Media Specialist at Garfield Heights High School, has been selected to receive the INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award for 2003 by the INFOhio Governing Advisory Board. In announcing her award, advisory board Awards Committee Chair John Myles said, "Although Jane has been a practicing library media specialist for only about four years, she has brought a high level of energy, enthusiasm, and leadership to her program, her school district and her region (LNOCA and OELMA Northeast). Jane's continuing efforts to promote the use of INFOhio's resources and to advocate for the library media profession exemplify Hugh Durbin's vision for Ohio's school libraries. We applaud Jane's efforts and encourage her to continue her support of INFOhio by taking an active role at the state level."

Jane will be provided a scholarship stipend to attend the 2003 INFOhio Annual Retreat at Capital University.

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