INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award, 2004
Carol Williamson Gibson, District Library Media Coordinator, Elida Local Schools.

Carol Williamson Gibson

Carol Williamson Gibson, District Library Media Coordinator for Elida Local Schools (Allen County), has been selected to receive the INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award for 2004 by the INFOhio Governing Advisory Board. She was nominated by her superintendent, Todd Hanes. "Carol has developed and is implementing a plan for promoting the use of INFOhio resources in all four of Elida's buildings," explained Theresa M. Fredericka, INFOhio Executive Director. "She has worked directly with teachers and students in grades 3-12 to include the use of INFOhio resources in on-going assignments. In addition, Carol has demonstrated her leadership in promoting INFOhio to her staff, administration, board of education, and community."

Carol is a member of INFOhio's Electronic Resources Task Force. Gibson said, "Association with INFOhio leaders has further challenged me to become an even stronger advocate for INFOhio and, in particular, my own school community. Serving on the Electronic Resources Task Force over the next two years will afford me many opportunities for learning and for input. Thanks, INFOhio, for the inspiration!"

Carol was awarded a scholarship stipend to attend the 2004 INFOhio Annual Planning Conference.

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