INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award, 2007
Connie Carnicom, Library Media Specialist, Fostoria Community Schools.

Connie Carnicom

Connie Carnicom, Library Media Specialist for Fostoria Community Schools, has been selected to receive the INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award for 2007 by the INFOhio Governing Board.

Based at Fostoria High School where she also serves as that building's technology coordinator, Carnicom teaches lessons on the effective use of INFOhio's Core Collection of Electronic Resources. She shares her ideas and expertise with colleagues in the NOECA region and throughout the state.

To quote a couple of her colleagues:

"Connie knows how to funnel the power of INFOhio into the library and the classroom and does not hesitate to share her knowledge.”

“Connie’s commitment to keeping the district current in areas of literacy and technology are admirable, but her devotion to the education of Fostoria Community Schools is second to none."

Ms. Carnicom received a stipend to attend the 2007 OELMA Fall Conference held in Dayton, October 17-19, 2007. A formal presentation was made during the OELMA Awards Luncheon. 

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