INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award, 2008
Karon Lippincott, Library Media Specialist, Beachwood City Schools.


Karon Lippincott, Library Media Specialist for Beachwood Middle School, has been selected to receive the INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award for 2008 by the INFOhio Governing Board.

A school librarian for five years, Lippincott is now in her second year at Beachwood Middle School. "During this time she has worked diligently to both fuse libraries to the curriculum and to take on responsibilities with agencies that support school libraries," said award nominator Jennifer Schwelik.

Lippincott received a stipend to attend the 2008 OELMA Fall Conference held in Columbus, October 22-24, 2008. A formal presentation was made during the OELMA Awards Luncheon.

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