INFOhio Hugh Durbin Leadership Award, 2009
Brenda, Gehm, Director of Library Services, Monroe Local Schools.


In her 33rd year as an educator, Brenda Gehm earned a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Library Science from Eastern Kentucky University and a master's in Educational Administration from Xavier University. In addition to her district responsibilities, she is the media specialist for Monroe Junior/Senior High School.

Among her other awards, Gehm was selected the Middletown Teacher of the Year in 1999 and received the OELMA Emerging Leader Award for 2009.

In nominating Gehm for the Durbin Leadership Award, Angie Stitzel, INFOhio Liaison at SWOCA, stressed Brenda's leadership qualities "... by serving on the INFOhio Users Council and by continuing to serve as a developer of SchoolRooms content. In addition, Brenda shows a propensity for leadership in her profession by her efforts on behalf of OELMA," Stitzel wrote.

Brenda enjoys reading and travel. Her husband, Richard, is a retired school administrator, and her daughter, Ashley, is a senior at Ohio University majoring in early childhood education.

Gehm will receive her award during the 2009 OELMA Fall Conference held in Columbus, October 21-23, 2009; a formal presentation will be made during the OELMA Awards Luncheon.

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