WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.709 --> 00:00:03.600 Juanita Markham: Okay, we've got the recording started 2 00:00:05.279 --> 00:00:06.270 Melissa Solema: Seeing what you need to see 3 00:00:06.690 --> 00:00:07.259 Juanita Markham: Yes. 4 00:00:07.470 --> 00:00:08.130 Juanita Markham: All right, good. 5 00:00:09.630 --> 00:00:19.770 Melissa Solema: All right, so. Hello, everybody. Welcome to our learn with info Ohio webinar series. Thank you for joining us today for the second in the series of the follow the curriculum building road. 6 00:00:20.640 --> 00:00:33.450 Melissa Solema: Blended hybrid flipped. Oh my. We were certainly not in Kansas anymore. During the 1920 school year and that was certainly a challenge. So as we enter this unprecedented 20 2021 school year. 7 00:00:33.990 --> 00:00:40.140 Melissa Solema: Schools are going to need to further integrate technology into their instruction to connect and engage learners. 8 00:00:40.590 --> 00:00:46.740 Melissa Solema: So in order to move past emergency mode reflecting on what worked and where to improve is going to be a helpful start 9 00:00:47.340 --> 00:00:58.140 Melissa Solema: But no matter whether next school year brings face to face blended or remote learning info Ohio can help you make a map to build digital curriculum to use next school year and beyond. 10 00:00:58.980 --> 00:01:05.490 Melissa Solema: The summer. We're off to see info Ohio's curriculum resources. So if you hadn't had a chance to introduce yourself in the chat. 11 00:01:06.120 --> 00:01:14.790 Melissa Solema: Please go ahead and tell us where you're from and your position. My name is Melissa Salima and I am an instructional team specialist with info, Ohio. 12 00:01:15.180 --> 00:01:23.400 Melissa Solema: Before coming to info, Ohio. I was an elementary and instructional technology teacher and I'm zooming to you from Willoughby, which is up in the northeast part of the state. 13 00:01:23.970 --> 00:01:31.290 Melissa Solema: If my connection breaks up at all please just stick with us. We'll be back and I can repeat any messages that might be missed. 14 00:01:32.190 --> 00:01:41.910 Melissa Solema: And today's webinar. We're going to Ease on down the road by building on last week's webinar and take a look at picking the right platform for all your curriculum building resources. 15 00:01:42.360 --> 00:01:48.750 Melissa Solema: There's a team of several info Ohio team members available to respond to questions in the chat. So please use that 16 00:01:49.290 --> 00:01:58.920 Melissa Solema: As a way to connect with us throughout the webinar and I'll try to keep an eye on it as well. We're also going to provide links as we go through the webinar today too so you can also open those up. 17 00:02:04.260 --> 00:02:04.770 Okay. 18 00:02:09.960 --> 00:02:20.970 Melissa Solema: So during the first webinar we took a look at the why some of us may have arrived by tornado driven by remote learning or you might have been trying to develop a curriculum building system all along. 19 00:02:21.720 --> 00:02:29.580 Melissa Solema: No matter your reason determining the people and their roles and the process to make a diverse team is really the heart courage and brains of it all. 20 00:02:29.880 --> 00:02:36.840 Melissa Solema: And finally, the how, in order to begin the process of collecting curated content and also evaluating it 21 00:02:37.320 --> 00:02:47.490 Melissa Solema: Glenda was right. You've always had the power and now you have a map as we move along the curriculum building road. So let's take a couple minutes to review where we left off from last week's webinar. 22 00:02:49.200 --> 00:02:58.560 Melissa Solema: So if you're new to info Ohio here a few getting started pointers starting at our website WWW dot info ohio.or check to make sure that you're logged in. 23 00:02:58.860 --> 00:03:05.790 Melissa Solema: In order to keep all the digital content that info Ohio provides for Ohio residents only we use layers of authentication. 24 00:03:06.210 --> 00:03:15.990 Melissa Solema: So that most users will automatically get logged in, but if you have a green icon and you see your school district name and info ohio state wide user here at the top. 25 00:03:16.620 --> 00:03:18.330 Melissa Solema: Then you're logged in and you're good to go. 26 00:03:18.840 --> 00:03:30.510 Melissa Solema: If you need to login or find that district username or password, because you're having difficulty getting logged in, automatically, there's a link that's going to be provided in the chat that you can use to 27 00:03:31.080 --> 00:03:39.030 Melissa Solema: help find that information. One of the easiest ways to find what you need on Ohio website is the site search 28 00:03:39.600 --> 00:03:45.870 Melissa Solema: And for this webinar series we will be using a document called the five P's for successful curriculum transition 29 00:03:46.470 --> 00:03:59.520 Melissa Solema: Ohio's Pre K 12 digital content adoption handbook and since that's a bit of a twister all its own. We're just going to call it the five P's from here on out. So type, the five P's and to the site search box and you're ready to go. 30 00:04:02.790 --> 00:04:12.750 Melissa Solema: The document you need will be the first one and the results and there's going to be a link in the chat there that you can download an editable PDF and save it to your computer throughout the process. 31 00:04:13.110 --> 00:04:23.640 Melissa Solema: Of building digital curriculum. This document is going to provide you with a framework and some great oh we are information. So let's take a closer look at the framework of this document using the five P's. 32 00:04:25.500 --> 00:04:33.240 Melissa Solema: Similar to a textbook adoption process districts or buildings need a playbook or some sort of plan for transitioning the curriculum. 33 00:04:33.780 --> 00:04:38.190 Melissa Solema: And for developing an effective and sustainable digital content portfolio. 34 00:04:38.640 --> 00:04:52.230 Melissa Solema: So that's quite a mouthful, but the playbook itself. While it's unique to a district or school team needs to address the five P's, starting with the people at the center and surrounded by purpose program process and platform. 35 00:04:52.650 --> 00:05:01.020 Melissa Solema: So far we've told touched on purpose program people and process and the next two webinars will expand on the program, a little bit more 36 00:05:02.520 --> 00:05:13.590 Melissa Solema: During last week's webinar. Here's an example of the first sprint that a fifth grade teacher team a curriculum director, a middle school principal and a librarian might start working on 37 00:05:14.160 --> 00:05:22.770 Melissa Solema: And the reason or why is connected to the district lifelong learning goal and the, how are the process to curate and evaluate digital content. 38 00:05:23.070 --> 00:05:32.250 Melissa Solema: Using a rubric is going to be essential to collecting the best resources and materials to fit the needs of students and the right language to help staff members find it. 39 00:05:33.870 --> 00:05:43.620 Melissa Solema: So before we get too far down the road. We need to determine where all of this digital content will go. So let's study your current platform for two reasons. One, 40 00:05:44.130 --> 00:05:56.040 Melissa Solema: Take inventory on what you have and to where you have it the curriculum building process isn't just about curating additional content, but taking a good look at what you already have and where it fits 41 00:05:56.970 --> 00:06:07.440 Melissa Solema: So in the chat. I'm going to pop up a couple questions here just to kind of get a feel for, for what your current thoughts are on what you're using to organize your curriculum. 42 00:06:08.610 --> 00:06:17.970 Melissa Solema: Where do you currently keep your classroom content, whether it's supplemental content or district adopted curriculum. Do you use something like Google Drive. 43 00:06:18.900 --> 00:06:29.280 Melissa Solema: It's just stored on your hard drive a learning management system. What types of ways. Are you currently using to keep track of all of the content that you share with students. 44 00:06:35.220 --> 00:06:42.840 Melissa Solema: So I'm seeing a lot of Google Drive pop up. I saw symbol new pop up Google Classroom, which is going to be that wrap around for Google Drive. 45 00:06:43.740 --> 00:06:55.320 Melissa Solema: And so I am going to touch on Google Drive a little bit and how you can take that existing content that was kind of shelved there and be able to use that in order to attach it 46 00:06:57.150 --> 00:07:08.010 Melissa Solema: To a platform that's going to help you be able to search the content easily. So, next question. Are you using a digital or physical system, maybe a little bit of both. 47 00:07:08.550 --> 00:07:13.560 Melissa Solema: So I know when I first started out, teaching. I had a paper filing system, but 48 00:07:14.250 --> 00:07:28.080 Melissa Solema: Over time. What I found was, I was shifting into digital and so that those paper pieces were becoming less used I wasn't going back to them or if I was going back to them. I was then digitizing them and filing them so 49 00:07:29.220 --> 00:07:43.650 Melissa Solema: Sounds like most of you kind of have a little bit of a blend of both here. So we're going to take a look at that too. Or maybe you've been shifting into digital taking some of those physical pieces and transforming them into digital in some way, whether it's scanning them or 50 00:07:45.480 --> 00:07:48.570 Melissa Solema: updating them so that they're interactive in a digital format. 51 00:07:50.100 --> 00:07:52.800 Melissa Solema: So it sounds like a lot of you are starting to make that shift already 52 00:07:53.190 --> 00:08:07.950 Melissa Solema: And then the last question is for about student instruction, are you primarily using digital content like an online textbook or online resources or is it more physical content like a standard textbook printed articles worksheets or graphic organizers. 53 00:08:16.050 --> 00:08:26.220 Melissa Solema: Okay, so I'm seeing a couple physical up their self develop lessons and then prior to march. Yep. Right. When the tornado hit right a combination of both. 54 00:08:26.730 --> 00:08:45.450 Melissa Solema: Still a lot of print. So a lot of this is going to rely on what your district adopted curriculum is to and whether or not you're needing to build kind of a reservoir of of resources to support that curriculum or perhaps whether the district has purchased content that's more digital 55 00:08:46.680 --> 00:09:00.060 Melissa Solema: So the platform is going to drive the why the how and the what because it's important to have an easily accessible platform, both during the curation process, but then afterward. When it's in the use of teachers and students. 56 00:09:01.530 --> 00:09:13.170 Melissa Solema: So upon finding the wizard and defeating the evil witch of the west. The team learns that what they thought they needed. They had all along but it took a journey and experiences to know just what to do next. 57 00:09:13.680 --> 00:09:24.270 Melissa Solema: evaluating your current applications tools and resources for ease of use for curators and creators that allow for collaboration finding resource collections. 58 00:09:24.690 --> 00:09:35.370 Melissa Solema: Share and building resources are going to be the key component to selecting a platform. And it's important to choose the platform that teachers can use to create and host that curated learning content. 59 00:09:35.940 --> 00:09:40.110 Melissa Solema: And the respective metadata. So, Emily. In last week's webinar. 60 00:09:40.770 --> 00:09:51.450 Melissa Solema: spoke a little bit about metadata. So if you didn't get a chance to watch that first webinar. There was a lot of great information about metadata there as well as where to find a couple lessons and our learning pathways. 61 00:09:52.260 --> 00:09:57.090 Melissa Solema: So I'd encourage you to check that out. I'm going to reference that several times throughout this presentation. 62 00:09:58.080 --> 00:10:06.120 Melissa Solema: Info Ohio provides access to a creation and collaboration platform called open space and it kind of completes our building digital curriculum. 63 00:10:07.080 --> 00:10:16.650 Melissa Solema: platform that we have. It provides the ability to do all of these things we've talked about so far in one place. So we're also going to take a look at previously created 64 00:10:17.280 --> 00:10:24.510 Melissa Solema: Curated resources and content that can be incorporated and tag from metadata. So those things that you've been storing in your Google Drive. 65 00:10:24.930 --> 00:10:33.630 Melissa Solema: And how to how to be able to incorporate those into open space and add that searchable filtering system. 66 00:10:34.140 --> 00:10:47.310 Melissa Solema: Plus, you can also build lessons with an open space using an open author tool. We're also going to take a look at how Google Drive and Google Classroom can pair with open space for ease of use for teachers and students for the purpose of teaching and learning. 67 00:10:48.690 --> 00:10:58.920 Melissa Solema: So as we focus on the attributes of a platform for the purpose of collaboration creation of curated resource and the ease of use for students and teachers. 68 00:10:59.220 --> 00:11:12.000 Melissa Solema: The final two webinars of the series are you're going to learn a little bit more about the final P, the process of selecting curated content and using it with open space or what we refer to in the five pieces the program. 69 00:11:12.930 --> 00:11:21.480 Melissa Solema: Open Space serves as that platform. It's Ohio's Premier. Oh, we are creation and collaboration space for Ohio is pre K 12 educators 70 00:11:21.780 --> 00:11:29.310 Melissa Solema: That empowers those educators to create and share open educational resources that promote innovative and collaborative learning 71 00:11:29.970 --> 00:11:39.000 Melissa Solema: Curriculum building includes creating standards align content mapping items into units and organizing it to fit within your school year. 72 00:11:39.540 --> 00:11:43.560 Melissa Solema: It's worth it. You could rare that you can do all of this in a silo and on your own. 73 00:11:43.890 --> 00:11:51.630 Melissa Solema: And most learning management systems don't really provide a great place for you to collaborate with departmental colleagues or teacher based teams. 74 00:11:52.020 --> 00:11:59.250 Melissa Solema: Let alone colleagues around the state on curriculum building with open space you have free access to a platform where you can do all of those things. 75 00:12:00.810 --> 00:12:10.680 Melissa Solema: Unlike the info Ohio website open space requires an individual account to provide access to your curated resources and groups that are unique to you as the user 76 00:12:11.220 --> 00:12:21.270 Melissa Solema: The first step in creating an account is to visit the open space website which has been placed in the chat and follow this arrow to the top of the screen to register for an account and sign in. 77 00:12:22.290 --> 00:12:26.640 Melissa Solema: One of the important factors and choosing a platform is the ability to collaborate 78 00:12:27.090 --> 00:12:33.300 Melissa Solema: Select groups where you can find an open group to join or create your own. So there's a button right up here at the top. 79 00:12:33.630 --> 00:12:41.130 Melissa Solema: Or the second orange arrow is pointing that will direct you over two groups that have already been created and are open and able for you to join, if you like. 80 00:12:41.910 --> 00:12:45.720 Melissa Solema: And now we're going to take a look at the ability to be able to create a group yourself. 81 00:12:46.110 --> 00:12:55.440 Melissa Solema: So this screenshot to show some groups that are available. So very small sample of what's below underneath it and then this create a group button up here is going to be 82 00:12:55.950 --> 00:13:07.050 Melissa Solema: Where you can actually create the group that will be helping to curate and create that content for digital curriculum so that team we build time last week. This is where all those folks are going to be able to work together. 83 00:13:09.000 --> 00:13:16.950 Melissa Solema: Creating group is pretty simple. Start with a name and think back to your purpose. And the last webinar. We talked about building a team. 84 00:13:17.280 --> 00:13:24.210 Melissa Solema: And creating a list of topics standards or units to work on kind of breaking down the content. So if you're working at a 85 00:13:24.450 --> 00:13:38.370 Melissa Solema: Bigger level at a district level, it might be important to create multiple groups, but if you're working in a teacher based team. You could use one group and then there's a way to create folders to divide up the different topics as you collaborate and build content, all in one place. 86 00:13:39.690 --> 00:13:56.850 Melissa Solema: For group type, you'll see three options instructor students and administrators and it's important to mention that open space is for teachers to create collaborate and share teachers can share lessons and resources directly from open space. So students should not need to create accounts. 87 00:13:59.040 --> 00:14:02.010 Melissa Solema: Next you'll select your subject and your grade. 88 00:14:04.590 --> 00:14:07.080 Melissa Solema: Add a description that identifies the purpose of the group. 89 00:14:08.190 --> 00:14:16.140 Melissa Solema: And then decide who you want to join the group. So if this is going to be a group that anyone can can work in, then you can leave it open. 90 00:14:16.440 --> 00:14:25.770 Melissa Solema: Or you can move to need approval if it's going to be just for that smaller teacher based team or just within your district. All of these settings can be modified though in the group settings later on. 91 00:14:28.230 --> 00:14:33.810 Melissa Solema: Open Space provides a place for group members to have discussion. So here the collaborative aspect of 92 00:14:34.590 --> 00:14:49.020 Melissa Solema: Open space as part of a platform is really key as a group administrator, you can start new discussions and moderate you'll see they're all just listed here threaded and you'll be able to be able to see the views and the replies, as they appear 93 00:14:50.850 --> 00:14:56.250 Melissa Solema: Now that we have the people in the communication areas established. Let's take a look at how to add content. 94 00:14:56.760 --> 00:15:05.250 Melissa Solema: This is a good time to think about how to leverage the lessons and content that you have stored in Google Drive or another existing organization system or platform. 95 00:15:05.970 --> 00:15:17.730 Melissa Solema: Adding content using open author or at a link allows you to attach metadata to the content to make it easily accessible for teachers to use for lesson planning and student instruction. 96 00:15:18.360 --> 00:15:26.610 Melissa Solema: And using the discussion feature in your group will help keep the conversation flowing as you collaborate on the content. There are two ways to add content. 97 00:15:27.390 --> 00:15:38.280 Melissa Solema: Select the orange add or button and two options will appear open author allows you to create a standalone learning module lesson assignment assessment or activity. 98 00:15:38.730 --> 00:15:50.820 Melissa Solema: And the second option is to and the second option is to submit a resource from the web. So first, we're going to take a look at open author and once you've created an item you can share it into a group that you've created. 99 00:15:52.800 --> 00:16:07.110 Melissa Solema: Open author allows you to create a lesson plan that includes a teacher view and a student view notes about the lesson or activity are displayed in one area and student directions are displayed in another. So you can start by adding a title image if you like. 100 00:16:08.130 --> 00:16:15.540 Melissa Solema: And then you add and format your content that could include objectives materials tasks that build your lesson or unit. 101 00:16:16.380 --> 00:16:26.610 Melissa Solema: One way to use existing content located in Google Drive is by using the importing lesson content into the editor, you can certainly copy and paste content into the editor as well. 102 00:16:27.060 --> 00:16:38.820 Melissa Solema: But you can use this button to locate the document that you're you've previously been using as as a as a lesson or an activity and located in order to import it directly into the editor. 103 00:16:40.590 --> 00:16:46.230 Melissa Solema: If you have any support documents or materials that students would need to reference during the lesson you can attach them here. 104 00:16:46.590 --> 00:16:57.810 Melissa Solema: There's also a link option available in this additional attached resources. So you can actually place other existing document links in here like from Google Drive as well. 105 00:16:59.250 --> 00:17:06.900 Melissa Solema: Then at the bottom, there's adding instructor notes. So this is where we're going to see what appears in the teacher view. Think of this as kind of a teacher's guide. 106 00:17:07.920 --> 00:17:21.930 Melissa Solema: The part of the textbook that the teacher is going to read to guide the lesson, not what the students are going to see the content that can be built using open author can serve a dual purpose, a guide for teaching and resources to support student learning. 107 00:17:22.950 --> 00:17:35.730 Melissa Solema: And if you have more than one topic to include in a lesson or perhaps this as a bigger unit, maybe this is a multi day assignment, add a new section so that the content is clearly labeled and easily understood by both teachers and students. 108 00:17:37.290 --> 00:17:43.890 Melissa Solema: So once all that content has been added. Be sure to save it as a draft while you were editing and collaborating on the document. 109 00:17:44.310 --> 00:17:54.240 Melissa Solema: One of the nice things about open space is that you don't have to publish items for other members in your group to be able to use those items and collaborate with you on those items. 110 00:17:54.780 --> 00:18:03.210 Melissa Solema: So it's perfectly fine to leave it in draft mode you can save them as draft into the group and then you don't have to submit them for publication until you're ready. 111 00:18:05.370 --> 00:18:08.490 Melissa Solema: Now let's take a look at submitting a link from the web. 112 00:18:10.170 --> 00:18:17.040 Melissa Solema: There are three main steps provide the URL assign the metadata and submit for approval. 113 00:18:17.490 --> 00:18:30.420 Melissa Solema: And for open author content, the piece that we just looked at, you'll follow the same steps steps of Assigning metadata and submitting for approval to the only difference between the two is whether you are developing content or adding a single resource. 114 00:18:32.520 --> 00:18:45.840 Melissa Solema: So you'll name and describe it. And I use the exact same description from the resource you were sharing from. You don't have to be too worried about the licenses. Look at the resource. And if you don't see any of those Creative Commons licenses that are pictured here. 115 00:18:47.010 --> 00:18:49.050 Melissa Solema: Then you can just click I don't see any of these 116 00:18:51.180 --> 00:18:56.760 Melissa Solema: Last week's webinar talked a little bit about evaluating content and providing some examples of available rubrics. 117 00:18:57.090 --> 00:19:05.910 Melissa Solema: Before submitting for review. You will need to verify that the content you are submitting meets the open space standards. So you can use the open space rubric. That's going to be 118 00:19:06.240 --> 00:19:14.040 Melissa Solema: Linked In the chat there and you'll also be able to see it when you go to submit a resource and you have to check that it meets or does not meet for approval. 119 00:19:14.880 --> 00:19:19.080 Melissa Solema: But this is all going to come in handy as you begin evaluating content that you curate 120 00:19:19.440 --> 00:19:27.600 Melissa Solema: The final two webinars in the series are going to feature info Ohio's educator tools and I search to help you find additional content that supports building curriculum. 121 00:19:27.990 --> 00:19:38.250 Melissa Solema: In your platform and with existing content lessons before adding any content using a web link, you can review it to make sure that the resource meets minimum requirements for approval. 122 00:19:38.970 --> 00:19:47.820 Melissa Solema: There are more metadata fields, including user subject area material type format. And you can also align these resources to Ohio learning standards. 123 00:19:48.120 --> 00:19:54.210 Melissa Solema: So this is where things kind of get taken up a notch that metadata is what's going to make it very helpful. Once 124 00:19:54.630 --> 00:20:09.600 Melissa Solema: Everything has been published, to be able to locate the right resources. So this may seem like a little bit of work up front, but when you are building curriculum, you are going to want to make this metadata available so that you have the standards alignment and so that as you're collaborating 125 00:20:10.620 --> 00:20:16.800 Melissa Solema: You will have the information that you need to place it in the right place for teachers within lessons and units. 126 00:20:18.510 --> 00:20:27.660 Melissa Solema: So last this item would be added to open space so that other Ohio educators can find it too. That's all there is to it. Your item will be published, once it has been reviewed. 127 00:20:29.760 --> 00:20:38.040 Melissa Solema: So far we've taken a look at how to set up a platform and Open Space user group at discussions and then options to add content with metadata. 128 00:20:38.550 --> 00:20:46.740 Melissa Solema: Now, the teachers will be able to easily add and locate content to build lessons and support learning. How does this content become accessible for students. 129 00:20:47.250 --> 00:20:55.110 Melissa Solema: We've seen how to add your own content. But there's another area that can help you tap in and find resources that have all already been approved and created 130 00:20:55.980 --> 00:21:01.920 Melissa Solema: On the open space homepage under discover there are choices to search by collections providers. 131 00:21:02.280 --> 00:21:09.570 Melissa Solema: And resources and each of these will take you to content that you can view you can save to a group, you can remix it 132 00:21:09.930 --> 00:21:21.510 Melissa Solema: Or you can share it directly with students and you can also search using the search box right on the main page. So there's a couple ways to get to all of this content. So this is all the published content that is currently stored in open space. 133 00:21:22.680 --> 00:21:27.330 Melissa Solema: So after a quick search. One of the lessons I found as an example of close reading. 134 00:21:27.810 --> 00:21:43.650 Melissa Solema: And student view the content is broken down into pages, students will see the title and information provided in the instruction box and then any links or documents that were uploaded will appear on the associated page, too. So we're seeing a quick demonstration in student view. 135 00:21:45.180 --> 00:21:55.740 Melissa Solema: The direction students would see from this lesson and what's already been attached and linked. And what's nice as they open up in a different tab so that students can kind of get their screen set 136 00:21:57.210 --> 00:22:02.130 Melissa Solema: And be able to understand exactly where the, where the beginning, middle and end of the assignment is 137 00:22:04.320 --> 00:22:12.630 Melissa Solema: For the teacher view, we can see that the page flows vertically and the order of the information was created an open author instructor notes are going to appear here and white. 138 00:22:14.100 --> 00:22:18.780 Melissa Solema: And the same student directions the links and the documents are included in the gray box just below. 139 00:22:19.740 --> 00:22:30.990 Melissa Solema: Each time you add a section to a lesson and open author, it creates a new page in student view. So as we were seeing Page one of two and then to have to that's going to represent each of those sections. 140 00:22:33.990 --> 00:22:43.830 Melissa Solema: For teachers. You can see the resource library includes all of the linked or uploaded resources in one place. So rather than scrolling up and down the page to look through all of those 141 00:22:45.390 --> 00:22:49.710 Melissa Solema: You're able to see everything that's been attached to this lesson in one place. 142 00:22:50.790 --> 00:23:04.860 Melissa Solema: And then to share this resource with students and a learning management system, you can use the student view button to copy a link or you can use the Google Classroom. Share button to add this lesson or resource as an assignment or material and your google classroom. 143 00:23:08.220 --> 00:23:09.360 Melissa Solema: Oh, those are right up here. 144 00:23:11.520 --> 00:23:20.100 Melissa Solema: So here's how the close reading lesson appears when it is added to google classroom, students can easily click on the link and be directed to the lesson. 145 00:23:20.550 --> 00:23:27.690 Melissa Solema: The benefit of sharing lessons directly from open space means that the resources that are part of the lesson are packaged together. 146 00:23:28.020 --> 00:23:32.370 Melissa Solema: eliminating the need to attach multiple resources to one assignment and Google Classroom. 147 00:23:32.850 --> 00:23:41.280 Melissa Solema: Or learning management system for consistency and ease of use. Everyone is using the same set of directions tasks and content, no matter the teacher. 148 00:23:41.790 --> 00:23:53.100 Melissa Solema: The only consideration would be anything that you would want to make a copy of for students as you're making assignments might be the determination on how you want to share this assignment with Google Classroom. 149 00:23:55.350 --> 00:24:09.600 Melissa Solema: You can also choose to save this lesson into a group or create a new folder to store this lesson. So you have both of those options any groups that you've joined, you'll be able to see here or you can add a new folder, and we'll talk a little bit more about folders here in a moment to 150 00:24:11.670 --> 00:24:23.280 Melissa Solema: Do you like this lesson, but maybe you decide you want to add, remove, or edit some of the content, the remix button is going to allow you to change up the content and open author essentially make a fresh copy of it for you so that you can switch it up. 151 00:24:24.360 --> 00:24:34.770 Melissa Solema: So this is what that area would look like once I'm finished re mixing this resource I can save preview and publish. Just like if I had created my own open author lesson. 152 00:24:35.940 --> 00:24:43.440 Melissa Solema: As we saw near the beginning of this webinar and earlier I mentioned that you don't have to publish your work right away and it's okay to save your work as a draft. 153 00:24:43.770 --> 00:24:52.050 Melissa Solema: If it's saved in a group, then other group members will be able to see your draft. But in this case, when I save this remixed resource. It's not part of a group yet. 154 00:24:53.010 --> 00:24:55.980 Melissa Solema: So if I'm working on something that is not part of a group 155 00:24:56.370 --> 00:25:06.690 Melissa Solema: Or I haven't added it to a group, yet I can view and manage the authors from this link and allows you to type in the person's email address and it will send them an invitation to be able to become an author. 156 00:25:07.380 --> 00:25:12.300 Melissa Solema: In order to see all these resources that you drafted or publish. We're going to need to take a look at your profile. 157 00:25:14.130 --> 00:25:19.620 Melissa Solema: To access your profile, you're going to click on the profile picture at the top of the page after you've logged in. 158 00:25:20.820 --> 00:25:26.370 Melissa Solema: You'll be able to see any drafts or completed resources that you've worked on and organize them from here as well. 159 00:25:27.000 --> 00:25:33.570 Melissa Solema: Under folders and content, this might be something to consider if you're working on setting up content before sharing it inside a group 160 00:25:33.870 --> 00:25:44.280 Melissa Solema: And you can see over here at the Create New Folder button, you'll be able to create folders and this is an area that's just viewable to you as you add your own content in here as well. 161 00:25:46.140 --> 00:25:51.990 Melissa Solema: So before we wrap up today, I want to provide you with some additional support as you become more familiar with open space. 162 00:25:52.410 --> 00:26:08.070 Melissa Solema: If you scroll all the way down near to the bottom of the open space homepage, you're going to find several support videos listed. You may also find that the quick links at the bottom are very helpful to learn more about info, Ohio. We are an open space through their Help Center. 163 00:26:09.120 --> 00:26:21.390 Melissa Solema: And the Help Center. There are quite a few topics to assist you as you work on building curriculum in open space. If you have additional questions. You can also contact support that info ohio.org for assistance. 164 00:26:22.620 --> 00:26:32.580 Melissa Solema: So I see a question up here from Leslie says Can groups work on draft. Yes. So if it's been shared into a group then everyone will be able to 165 00:26:33.630 --> 00:26:45.030 Melissa Solema: Work on on the draft. You can also use the ability to add authors within a document to help with that collaborative experience as well. So you've got a couple options. 166 00:26:48.510 --> 00:26:55.800 Melissa Solema: Now, if you're looking for some more support you have some more questions, or just want to explore open space a little bit more. We have some 167 00:26:56.340 --> 00:27:00.000 Melissa Solema: Some other things to help you get started on the curriculum building road. 168 00:27:00.510 --> 00:27:09.480 Melissa Solema: Info Ohio's learning pathways are a source for flexible online learning. You can take the open space Basics class and the open space collaboration creation class. 169 00:27:09.780 --> 00:27:17.970 Melissa Solema: In our building your digital curriculum pathway and earn an additional four contact hours after completing the class and taking the quiz. 170 00:27:18.570 --> 00:27:28.020 Melissa Solema: You'll find additional resources and lessons to guide you through using open space and you're going to find more classes that go along with last week's webinar. The oh we are in the five P's class. 171 00:27:28.530 --> 00:27:44.850 Melissa Solema: And our final two webinars on educator tools and I searched for teachers. So don't forget that next week. The webinar is going to address the how on the curriculum road by finding standards aligned content with educator tools and then on July 1 we will end with high search 172 00:27:45.960 --> 00:27:52.530 Melissa Solema: If your team travels the curriculum building road this summer, please let us know how it when we want to hear from you. 173 00:27:53.040 --> 00:28:01.080 Melissa Solema: So please be sure to connect with us or follow us for up to date information on what's happening here at info Ohio through Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. 174 00:28:01.470 --> 00:28:10.530 Melissa Solema: And if you're using info house resources to support remote learning or summer learning, please feel free to share with us, which your resources you're using and how you are using them. 175 00:28:11.070 --> 00:28:21.090 Melissa Solema: Share it to social media tag us using hashtag info Ohio works. We'd love to hear how the resources are used and how it helps you to help us help you 176 00:28:24.900 --> 00:28:33.450 Melissa Solema: So the last step here is going to be checking for that link in the chat that's going to get you to the quiz. If you would like to get your 177 00:28:34.500 --> 00:28:48.510 Melissa Solema: 30 minutes of contact our for watching today's and participating in today's webinar. As I mentioned, next week's webinar is June 24 it's going to be the third in the series focusing on educator tools. 178 00:28:49.140 --> 00:28:59.730 Melissa Solema: And if you're facing any sort of questions or or problems, please use support that info ohio.org to reach out to us so that we can address those concerns. 179 00:29:00.420 --> 00:29:09.480 Melissa Solema: I'm going to kind of monitor the chat here and see if there's any other questions that pop up and I believe one is going to kind of show you a little bit more 180 00:29:10.680 --> 00:29:15.840 Melissa Solema: About where you can find this webinar after it's been uploaded to our website. 181 00:29:21.390 --> 00:29:22.200 Juanita Markham: Yes. Can I 182 00:29:22.710 --> 00:29:23.490 Melissa Solema: Go ahead and shoot 183 00:29:24.420 --> 00:29:36.600 Juanita Markham: Thank you. Great job, lots of great information as usual. And let me get my screen pulled up. Okay. Are you seeing the Ohio page. 184 00:29:37.830 --> 00:29:38.460 Melissa Solema: Yes. 185 00:29:38.700 --> 00:29:44.760 Juanita Markham: Okay, so from the info Ohio website. If you go into our menu. 186 00:29:46.410 --> 00:29:48.750 Juanita Markham: You will find professional development. 187 00:29:51.630 --> 00:29:54.120 Juanita Markham: And then you will see learn with info, Ohio. 188 00:29:57.060 --> 00:30:10.410 Juanita Markham: This is going to take you into all of our webinars, past and present. So down below, you're going to see those that are recorded from the last 12 months and then also, you'll see some further down 189 00:30:11.250 --> 00:30:16.110 Juanita Markham: That Emily talked about last week that we've kind of pulled back in 190 00:30:16.890 --> 00:30:32.100 Juanita Markham: Reviewed and see that they're, they're still valid. So we've got some of those in there. But right now. Today's webinar is still at the bottom of our current webinars and that's going to flip on down to the section here later today under the more info. 191 00:30:33.930 --> 00:30:42.510 Juanita Markham: You're going to find the certificate listed over here on the left and then as soon as the recording is available, you're going to find this out of the way. 192 00:30:42.990 --> 00:30:50.730 Juanita Markham: You're going to find the recording right here in the middle that will be available. So you are more than welcome. And we would encourage you to share this with others. 193 00:30:51.150 --> 00:30:58.650 Juanita Markham: You can just grab this link at the top copy and paste it and share that with other people who you think might benefit from this so 194 00:30:59.970 --> 00:31:16.710 Juanita Markham: Certificate will get you the quiz and then give you a certificate with your name on it. And today's date and the half hour contact hour, and we really appreciate your attendance for today because this wouldn't be worthwhile without you. 195 00:31:23.010 --> 00:31:25.320 checking the chat here lost my screen. 196 00:31:27.930 --> 00:31:30.390 Juanita Markham: I've got too many, too many windows open 197 00:31:32.790 --> 00:31:33.660 There. Okay. 198 00:31:39.690 --> 00:31:42.210 Juanita Markham: Okay, checking to see if we have any other questions here. 199 00:31:43.410 --> 00:31:48.300 Juanita Markham: Our next webinar coming up next week we're looking forward to. We have two more. 200 00:31:49.980 --> 00:31:57.090 Juanita Markham: Yes. Two more webinars in this series and lots more information. 201 00:31:58.710 --> 00:31:59.940 Juanita Markham: For the summer coming up. 202 00:32:04.770 --> 00:32:05.910 Juanita Markham: Do you have anything else, Mary. 203 00:32:07.980 --> 00:32:08.160 Melissa Solema: I'm 204 00:32:08.700 --> 00:32:09.180 Melissa. 205 00:32:13.170 --> 00:32:29.700 Melissa Solema: I think we're in good shape here. I'm going to stay on for a couple minutes and I have a couple questions coming in to me privately that I might I wanted like to respond to before we close the webinar. Okay. Anyone else have any other questions, I'll hang out here for a few minutes. 206 00:32:31.110 --> 00:32:36.990 Melissa Solema: Otherwise, I really appreciate everyone joining today and feel free to reach out to us with any questions.