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Prof. Learning & Support
Professional Learning

Boot Camp Session 1 - Adventures of an App-Smashing Librarian & Writing and Researching Online with Google Drive

Webinar date: Monday, August 3 2015, 8:00 PM

Adventures of an App-Smashing Librarian
One App is great, but this session will show you how App-Smashing, combining 2 or more apps, can make presentations, tutorials and learning experiences deeper and more versatile. This session will focus on how combining the video app Tellagami with iMovie and the Explain Everything app allows teachers and students to create engaging lessons, tutorials, and integrated presentations.

Amy Gibson, Library Media Specialist


Writing and Researching Online with Google Drive
Learn how to use Google Drive to monitor student progress, provide feedback, encourage collaboration, and improve your instruction of the research and/or writing processes.

Don’t require a lot of writing or research? Attend anyway to find of creative and inventive ways to use Google documents, sheets, and forms.

Ryan Novak, English teacher

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  • Ryan Novak

    Ryan Novak

    Ryan Novak is an English teacher at Kenston High School, where he teaches English and journalism. Ryan is always looking for new ways to engage his students using technology, especially when it comes to the writing process.


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