INFOhio Campus

Quality, grade-level, standards-aligned instructional materials are important for student learning and success. Learn how to find the best materials to meet the needs of your students using free tools and resources, including those from INFOhio. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway to earn up to 22 contact hours.


Welcome to the High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway

Welcome to the High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway

Welcome! Review this space for information about the High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway including a syllabus, options for taking the class, and a training guide for instructional trainers or coaches.

2 lessons Beginner
Introduction to INFOhio

Introduction to INFOhio

Learn more about INFOhio, Ohio's PreK-12 Digital Library, with a wealth of resources available at no cost to Ohio students, parents, and educators. This class will help participants identify the resources with digital content and web tools available on the website, and learn to navigate the site easily. After successfully completing the final quiz, earn a certificate for two contact hours.

Participants who wish to take the class for Ohio Approved hours should log in to their OCCRRA profile and register for the class. Search for ST10114268. Once you have completed the class and the quiz, the INFOhio instructor for the class will verify your attendance for Ohio Approved hours. Please note that verification of attendance in the class is updated in OCCRRA each Monday. You may experience a delay between completing the class and receiving your Ohio Approved hours because of this.

12 lessons 2 hours Beginner
High-Quality Instructional Materials to Supplement Your Curriculum

High-Quality Instructional Materials to Supplement Your Curriculum

Learn more about what makes instructional materials high-quality, including those labeled Open Educational Resources (OER). Participants will learn why instructional materials matter and where to find high-quality instructional materials to supplement curricula. The class includes a focus on curriculum literacy and the use of the Ohio Curriculum Support Guide. Earn a certificate for four and one half contact hours after successfully completing the final quiz.

Access this class and other quality professional development for Ohio educators in the Ohio Professional Learning Directory.

15 lessons 4 hours Beginner
Quality, Grade-Level Text from INFOhio

Quality, Grade-Level Text from INFOhio

Learn more about quality text from INFOhio and how to use it to scaffold students when reading complex text. Participants will understand the importance of quality text to the Science of Reading and the Simple View of Reading. Explore text sets as a strategy for building background knowledge and vocabulary, key components of language comprehension. Find text from INFOhio to build your own text set. Upon completion of this class, participants will earn a certificate for four and a half contact hours. 

16 lessons 4 hours, 30 minutes Beginner
Quality eBooks from INFOhio to Supplement Curriculum

Quality eBooks from INFOhio to Supplement Curriculum

Learn about purchased and licensed eBooks from INFOhio that supplement classroom curriculum and support teaching. The class explores how to find and use eBooks to personalize student reading experiences and maximize learning. All of the titles support Ohio's Learning Standards.

19 lessons 5 hours Beginner


Learn more about EdReports, a nonprofit reviewer of instructional materials. This resource provides thorough reports on the overall effectiveness of educational content using rubrics designed and reviewed by education professionals. This class will help participants navigate the site and implement the reports into their material adoption process. After successfully completing a final quiz, earn a certificate for 4 contact hours. 

Access this class and other quality professional development for Ohio educators in the Ohio Professional Learning Directory.

13 lessons 4 hours Beginner
Open Space

Open Space

Open Space is INFOhio's curriculum curation and collaboration tool. It empowers educators to:

  • Build community through groups.
  • Access curated collections.
  • Search for freely accessible instructional materials.
  • Curate and share resources that promote innovative and collaborative learning.

This class introduces participants to Open Space's core features and covers how to conduct effective searches for resources. The class also shows users how to share, save, and curate materials. Particpants can earn a certificate for three contact hours after successful completion of the class and final quiz. 

25 lessons 3 hours Beginner
High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Final Quiz and Badge

High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Final Quiz and Badge

Congratulations! You have completed the High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway. By taking this quiz, you will earn a High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Learning Pathway Badge. This pathway is worth 22 contact hours, and the certificates you earned from completing each class serve as evidence of those hours.

1 lesson Beginner
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