Applying What You Have Learned


Learning Objectives
  • Find Explora for Grades PreK-5 on the INFOhio website:
  • Use the navigational tools to search and browse content to find the best content for students and instruction.
  • Find the instructional supports available in the resource.


Exploring a Topic

Now that you have learned how to access Explora for Grades PreK-5, search and browse for content, and use the instructional supports, practice using your new navigation skills by completing the following exercise.

  1. Think about an upcoming lesson or unit you plan to teach that requires you to use text for students to learn information about a topic.
  2. Go to and find Explora for Grades PreK-5 on the site using what you have learned.
  3. Do a search for the topic using the search box.
  4. On the results page, use the limiters on the left to narrow your search. Include the source type and the Lexile Reading Level that is best for your students.
  5. Choose 2-3 results that will meet the needs of your students as they learn about this topic. Include at least one that has both Online Full Text and PDF versions.
  6. Send the PDF to your Google Drive, Dropbox, or One Drive. Send the Online Full Text to your Google Classroom or Google Drive. Experiment with how you can interact with the digital text on these platforms.
  7. Use one article and customize the read aloud options with enhanced text visibility. Which students could you use this with?
  8. Choose one of the articles that has both Online Full Text and PDF versions. Plan to use the article in instruction. Students can read along with the PDF versions while the projected Online Full Text reads the text aloud.



Reflecting on Your Learning 

In the discussion tab of the Exlpora Resources Open Space group, share the content you found to share with students. Explain how you will use the text in both PDF and Online Full Text to meet the needs of your learners in the Text from Explora Resources question. Reply to the thread and respond to other participants' answers.


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