INFOhio Campus

Welcome to CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions


Learning Objectives

Use the following objectives to check your learning as you proceed through the class. 

  • Understand the importance of using digital text and other media to support the inquiry process. 
  • Find CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions on the INFOhio website:
  • Teach students how to locate information within CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions.
  • Identify strategies for using CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions in the classroom. 
  • Use the navigational features to locate the best content for students and instruction. 
  • Find the instructional supports within the resource.
  • Consider methods for sharing CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions with caregivers and colleagues. 
  • Create a lesson plan to integrate CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions into classroom instruction.
  • Reflect on your learning by sharing information with others. 


In this class, you will work through several lessons to learn how to find INFOhio's subscription to CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions, how to use the resource, and how to integrate it when teaching the inquiry process.

To get the most from your experience:

  • Click links to see additional resources.
  • Download exercise files from the Exercise Files tab on the main page of the class or at the bottom of individual lessons.
  • Click to enlarge the images so you don't miss the details. 
Getting Started

Below is a description of each lesson and an estimate of the time it may take to complete each.

  • Pretest: Take a quiz to find out what you know or need to know about CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. 5 minutes
  • Welcome to the CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions Class: Review the course objectives and overview. 5 minutes
  • Using Open Space Groups: Join the Open Space group CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. In this group, reflect with like-minded educators on integrating this resource into the classroom. 5 minutes
How to Use CutureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions
  • Getting to Know CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions: Practice the steps to find the resources on Think about what you learned by answering questions. 5 minutes
  • Using CultureGrams: Kids and World editions: Learn about the navigational tools and features. 5 minutes
  • Using CultureGrams: States and Provinces editions: Learn about the navigational tools and features. 5 minutes. 
  • Using the Teacher Resources: Learn about the training resources and teacher activities to support CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. 10 minutes
  • What Have You Learned So Far?: Take a short quiz to check your learning. 5 minutes
  • Applying What You Have Learned: Select from CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. Complete an activity to practice using the selected edition. 10 minutes. 
Integrating CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions Into Classroom Instruction
  • Teaching with CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions: Learn how to build charts and graphs in CultureGrams: Kids and World editions. Read strategies for teaching research skills. Reflect on best practices by answering questions. 15 minutes
  • Creating Lessons Using CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions: Review teaching activities for all CultureGrams editions. Create your own teaching activities using a lesson plan template. 30 minutes
  • Sharing CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions with Caregivers and Colleagues: Ohio students can access all CultureGrams editions at school and home. Share an informational flyer with caregivers and colleagues to help them learn more about the content and features. 5 minutes
Checking Your Learning
  • Self-Assessments: Answer the following questions to reflect on what you learned. 10 minutes
  • Contact Hours Quiz and Certificate: Take a quiz to earn a certificate for 2 contact hours. 5 minutes 

If you need help while completing the course, contact us at


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