INFOhio Campus

Placing Holds and Searching the Catalog


Learning Objectives
  • Place a hold on an item for a patron.


Holds will follow the policies set in WorkFlows. If your WorkFlows policies are set to allow holds, you can place a hold in BLUEcloud Circulation from the patron record or the item record in the catalog.

Placing a hold from a patron record

  1. Using the Patron Search, enter patron information to search for a patron for whom you want to place a hold. Select the patron from the list to open their patron record.

  2. Select Holds in the Navigation Options menu.

  3. Click the New Hold button.  The Catalog Search Tool will open. Scan or Search for the item the user would like to place the hold on. bccircholdscatalogsearchtoolSelect an item and complete the fields as required.

    • The Patron Name and Patron ID will be retained from the previous screen.
    • If you need to search the catalog again, click the Catalog Search button in the top corner. Otherwise, the hold will be placed on the title or copy you selected in the previous step.
    • Hold Level: Copy or Title. A copy level hold will only be placed on that specific copy, indicated by Item ID. A title level hold will place a hold on the first available copy on that record. When placing a title level hold, the Item ID (barcode) will be blank.
    • Pickup Library: If Pickup Library is enabled, you can choose another library where the patron would like to pick up the item. Otherwise, keep this selection to the patron's library.
    • Range: Group, Library, or System. Group refers to a previously created group that is made up of a select group of libraries. See your INFOhio Provider if you have questions about this. Library includes copies belonging to the specified item's library. System includes all of the libraries in your district.
    • Request Expiration: Enter an expiration date for the hold. This date is when the hold will expire if it does not become available before then.
    • Date Suspended: This date suspends a hold. This is useful in the case of a vacation.
    • Suspend Until: This is the end date of a suspension of a hold.
    • Recall Status: Specifies whether an item should be recalled for this hold.
    • Notes: Contains any additional notes or information about the hold.
  4. Choose Place Hold.

Note: If your policies in WorkFlows do not allow holds to be placed, the hold will not be placed in BLUEcloud Circulation. 

To verify that the hold was placed successfully, locate the Holds option on the patron record. The number of holds should have increased and the titles will be listed.

To modify a hold, click on the title and choose to Cancel Hold or change a variety of holds options: Pickup Library, Expiration Date, Recall Status, Suspend, and Notes. Once finished making changes, click Update Hold. bccircholdsmodifyholds

Placing a hold from the catalog

  1. Using the Catalog Search, search for the item for which you would like to place a hold.

  2. Select the item from the search results and then click New Hold.

  3. Complete the fields as required, including a search for the user who would like to place the item on hold.

  1. Choose Place Hold.

Note: If your policies in WorkFlows do not allow holds to be placed, the hold will not be placed in BLUEcloud Circulation. If you encounter an error and are unsure why, please contact your INFOhio Provider for help. 

To verify that the hold was placed successfully, check the item record or the user record for confirmation.

If you would like to make any modifications to the hold, navigate to the user record. Select Holds and click on the title to open the hold. Make any changes as needed or, cancel the hold immediately by clicking Cancel Hold. When finished with any changes, click Update Hold.



Take a moment and pause before moving on to the next lesson and try placing a hold. Keep in mind your library policies regarding holds. Is your library set up for holds? Do you allow holds on available items or must they be checked out first? If you have questions about either of these, stop, and contact your INFOhio Provider for further information. If you are aware of your holds policies, please try the following:

  1. Identify an item you would like to place on hold. If you only allow holds to be placed on checked out items, make sure the item you choose is currently checked out.
  2. Access your personal patron record. Using the Holds option on your patron record, place a hold on the item you identified in step one. Or, you can do a catalog search and place the hold from there.
  3. Once the hold has been placed, you can check your patron account or the item record to verify the hold has been placed.
  4. If you would like to cancel the hold, that can be done by going to your patron account, click on the Holds option, select the item, and click the Cancel Hold button.
  5. If you would like, try placing another hold in a different manner than before.

Questions? Reach out to your INFOhio Provider for further help.


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