A Tribute in Memorandum.
Jon Bowers of the Licking Area Computer Association (LACA) believed in teaching and learning and, as an ITC Director, passionately supported the premise of INFOhio. Serving on the INFOhio advisory board for 10 years, Jon worked vigorously to strengthen its foundation and to move it beyond the school library and into the classroom. He was influential in developing the INFOhio Integration Coach program (ICoach), which trains classroom teachers and other educators to use INFOhio resources effectively, while also helping educators to integrate the digital resources into their everyday instruction.
His sudden passing in 2017 was felt by everyone at INFOhio, the Management Council, and within the education and ITC communities he worked so passionately to support. To honor his memory, the Jon Bowers Professional Development Tribute was awarded to Trish Baker.
View the award recipient