When sharing links to INFOhio resources with students and parents, please note the following:

  • To access the digital content INFOhio has licensed for Ohio's PreK-12 teachers, students, and their parents, users need to be coming from the INFOhio website.
  • The URLs you share for resources and content should have the word infohio in them.
  • URLs that appear in the browser address bar when you are using content from INFOhio resources are not shareable URLs. For example, do not share the browser address bar url for an individual BookFlix title as that will not provide seamless access to the content. 

INFOhio has short screencasts to help you find the best link to share for seamless access to INFOhio's licensed resources and content. 

Looking for links you can share on a school website or in a learning management system? Use the URLs you see on INFOhio's Resource Links page.

For some resources, INFOhio is able to provide an LMS/Direct Link that includes a passthru string. For example, you will find a button with this kind of URL on INFOhio's BookFlix page. This is how this link works: when students click a link with the passthru, they are very quickly routed to the INFOhio website where we check for authentication. If we can recognize that they are authenticated, we very quickly pass them to the content provider. This can happen so fast that it feels like they are going straight to the resource without even stopping at the INFOhio website. However, if a student is not already authenticated and we can't recognize them, they will be stopped at the INFOhio website and prompted to log into the INFOhio website before we can pass them on to the resource.

Most students will not need to manually log into the INFOhio website from home; we can log most Ohio users in automatically using cookies and geoauthentication. To help those who may be using mobile devices or who have security software that does not allow IP recognition, share your district's INFOhio username and password with students and parents. You are welcome to share your district's INFOhio username and password in password-protected environments or on printed documents, but please do not share any INFOhio usernames or passwords on open webpages or on social media. Consider printing your INFOhio username and password on these customizable labels and sticking them on papers or devices your students will be using at home.

Please view this video for a quick tutorial on logging in and switching your login.

If students don't know your district's INFOhio username and password, they can look it up here: https://www.infohio.org/login.

INFOhio has additional staff responding to username and password requests during this time. Username and password requests are automatically generated when a user tries to log in and isn't automatically recognized.

Need Help?
Open ISearch  
ISearch - Advanced Library & Resource Search
Fetch - Library Catalog Search

Fetch is avaiable to INFOhio automated schools. If you are an INFOhio school, please log in with your school username/password using the button at the top-left corner of this page.

For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at https://support.infohio.org.